Looking Back

By Jabarria

Well, to being honest with you, I felt like my summer started off bad because of my friend Endia’s death.

It was devastating. I miss my friend every day. I never thought that someone I saw and talked to every day could be taken away from me.

It was sad because she did not die from natural causes. She was killed by another female our own age. It did not even seem like that girl cared about what she did.

It is also messed up because I cannot even wear a shirt to honor her without getting jumped on or shot at because people are so dumb.

I started off the summer eating and sleeping. I hung out with my family, but that was a little frustrating. Lots of people in my family like to drink, even though we have lost family members to alcohol.

I do not understand why they drink from 10 o’clock in the morning until 3 a.m. the next day. Regardless of what they do, they are my family, and I love my family!

I got a job with the school with this program called Green Corps. My job was to learn about the environment. I planted gardens, built a bike and learned about trees.

I hated this job because I had to ride this bike way too far; I always ran out of water, but most of all, my supervisor and boss were very irritating.

I worked every day, and I didn’t get paid enough. I tried to stay, but it was too much. I just couldn’t. I quit, and now, they don’t want to give me my final paycheck. They are so dirty for that.

I went to an all-white party. It was so much fun. There were over 100 people — just dancing, socializing and having a good time.

But out of nowhere, these people just started shooting. I had to run two blocks in my new shoes and white dress. I messed both of them up. I was so mad! The police came and broke up the party.

I get so sick of people messing up a good time with dumb stuff.

One of my favorite things was working on this blog. Ms. Holmes asked me blog about my summer, so I said sure. I had fun coming to this program.

Everybody is so positive, and I enjoy myself most of the time. It made me happy to see that people were reading my articles and commenting on them. It made me feel my voice is important.

2 thoughts on “Looking Back”

  1. your story spoke to me about how there are so many deathes caused by petty things and its sad how people don’t care about the crime in Chicago.- lateefah and dae’mia

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